

Welcome, Demo!

Basic Information

Data Value
Age 30
BMI 34.1
General Health Medium

Scheduled Medication

Data Value
Saline Solution 2 hours
Electrolyte Mixture 8 hours
SSRP 2x Dose 2 days

Future Appointments

Data Value
Dr. John Doe 1 hour
Dr. Jane Doe 2 days
Dr. Johnny Doe 3 days

Your next appointment is in 1 hour.

COVID-19 Test Status: Positive

You will recieve a quarantine packet from TelePharma soon. Please stay safe and isolated from others.

Doctor's Notes

Exercise: You are making great progress keeping physically active! As we discussed in our sessions, exercising for at least 5 hours a week will improve your condition. Good job!

Medicine: Your medicine appears to be working according to the doses provided! We will discuss modifications to your current medication at our next meeting.

COVID-19: I am very sorry to hear that you have tested positive for COVID-19. TelePharma is doing all they can to help you. In the meantime, you can ask me any questions you have about the virus or its effects on you, whether that be through text, phone, or at our next meeting.